Modern Tactics for Water Conservation

The idea of having a water wise garden is bound to be appealing to anyone based in San Jose and the Greater Bay Area.
While our spectacular region is wonderfully fertile and ideal for creating beautiful landscaping in so many ways, water remains a scarce resource.
As drought continues to hit season after season, the costs of this precious commodity also spiral upward—a great argument for Water Efficient HOA Landscape Design & Maintenance if ever I’ve heard one.
A local and reputable commercial landscape company in San Jose will know exactly how to realize water wise gardens, and crucially, can help you get informed too.
The idea of water wise landscaping is all good and well, but many enthusiastic property owners feel pretty unsure about where to start.
Even if you’ve got a fairly clear notion of what the term means, how simple is manifesting a water wise garden in the first place?
Well, we’ll cover all your bases with the definition of this contemporary approach to landscaping in just a moment. But, from there, specifically for the purposes of realizing the HOA water-conserving landscape design of your dreams.
FloraTerra Design Group is here today to discuss two invaluable tactics that allow the transformation of a green space quickly and efficiently—lawn conversions and sheet mulching. If your curiosity is piqued, read on!
The Ins and Outs of a Water Wise Landscape
The premise of HOA water wise landscape design is that a taking tactical and multi-faceted approach to creating glorious landscaping can allow the beauty of a garden can be enjoyed without the hefty H20 consumption.
However, in making the shift to a water wise design, monthly utility costs can be dramatically downsized without a compromise on aesthetics. While you’re at it, Save Our Water offers great ideas to those ready to reduce their H2O footprint in a variety of other ways too.
Returning to the water wise aspect of landscaping, how is such a feat achieved? Well this approach employs things like choosing native and drought-tolerant plant species; installing and maintaining efficient irrigation; supporting soil health; and creating “hydro zones”, which are groupings of plants that have similar watering needs.
The use of ground cover plants, hardscaping, and mulching will also powerfully reduce water demands by preventing evaporation and protecting against runoff.
Of course, property owners may need a little expert guidance on how much water plants really need, or they might prefer to align themselves with a commercial landscape maintenance company ready to take on the work of keeping everything on track.
Why You Might Want to Rethink Your Lawn
There’s a reason my so many municipalities across California offer rebates to those choosing to replace their lawns. Turf is phenomenally thirsty, and requires a sizable water commitment to remain looking at its best whenever drought strikes.
Of course, the lawn itself is not the enemy, and many property owners may choose to retain some lawn—seeking advice on how to water it most efficiently in the process. from a Commercial Landscape Company in San Jose Ca.
However, switching out at least some lawn areas for water wise landscaping can mean being able to enjoy a flourishing and low-demand garden, even when the air is dry and the heat heavy.
Sheet Mulching For Lawn Replacements
If you’re ready to let some of that lawn go, then sheet mulching is an ideal strategy. This cost-effective and straightforward process involves laying several layers of material over existing lawn in order to convert it into a dramatically less thirsty planted area.
Recycled cardboard is used first, creating an impermeable barrier that will prevent the grass from growing up through it. A layer of compost is applied next, and then finally a layer of mulch that will both look attractive and minimize water evaporation.
Some larger plants may be introduced before the sheet mulch is applied, while those that are smaller can be planted through the protective surface after it has been installed.
From there, property owners can enjoy the rewards of cutting the space’s water by around 50%, a downsized carbon footprint, a 70-80% reduction in runoff when the rain does return, and substantial savings on maintenance labor costs.
When drought-resilient native plant species are chosen to inhabit an area that was once occupied by lawn—such as Hummingbird Sage, Agave, and Californian Lilac.
You can be certain that the landscaping will not only look spectacular all year round, but birds, bees, and butterflies will soon begin to visit. The California Native Plant Society is a great destination for those seeking inspiration ahead of making the switch.
A Commercial Landscape Company You Can Trust
Here at FloraTerra, we take great pride in specializing in water wise landscape design and maintenance.
From installing ultra-efficient smart watering systems to reimagining conventional gardens towards their ultimate water-conserving potential; from performing water and soil audits to designing innovative water wise landscapes from the ground up.
We are always ready to serve. Discover more about how we balance aesthetics and water use, or contact our team today for an immediate consultation on how we can best meet your landscape design and maintenance needs. Our dedicated design team is ever-ready to assist.
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